• At SHL ASEAN, we are proud to have technical experts from one of Korea’s leading research and development centers in lubricants. We have combined our in-depth understanding of lubricants with leading technological knowledge to provide you with the best consulting service.
  • Our service begins with conducting a detailed survey of your system. Experts will focus on understanding operations, system working conditions, machinery and your specific requirements. They will then conduct an in-depth analysis of the lubricants being used in your system.
  • Based on survey and analysis information, we will recommend the best lubricant for you. We not only recommend products but also provide specific instructions on how to use and store lubricants most effectively.
  • Our service not only helps you choose the most suitable product, but also helps you optimize performance and extend the lifetime of your machinery . We are committed to providing comprehensive and top quality solutions, based on the knowledge and experience of leading lubricant experts from Korea.
  • Let SHL ASEAN work with you to ensure that your system always operates stably and effectively. Your success is our top goal.